Production log #3 (10/12/22)

Production Log #3

 The dinner scene

On our final shoot the following weekend, Olivia and I filmed the dinner scene, which will be taking up the majority of the music video's runtime and will be the focus of the narrative. Our friends and my brother played 3 extras to give the impression of a dinner party and once again we blacked out the windows in Olivia's dining room in order to give a more low-key, evening look to the scene. However, the lighting in this shoot was noticeably different to the lighting in the first shoot, so this is something we will have to changed post-production. One aspect we found challenging with this shoot was a shot we did using the gimbal, which followed Lucy coming back from the kitchen and into the dining room to join everyone else. This was going to be the final shot of the music video so it was important to get right so its impact is not lost on the viewer. We used the DJI Ronan app to balance the equipment, which took some time to do. Also, the equipment was very heavy, so it was difficult to keep steady during the shoot, so we had to re-do this shot a couple of times.

Something we also had to consider was that as we tracked Lucy walking to the table with the gimbal, one of our extras who was sitting in the seat opposite to her was in the way of the camera, which didn't make the shot natural. This meant that as we tracked her walking to the seat, we also had to move the extra as well as his chair and plate. 

Filming more footage for the bathroom scene

Olivia and I felt our footage from the last shoot of the bathroom shoot was not what we had hoped for, with many of the shots being too blurry or unfocused. We also wanted to reshoot this scene because we weren't satisfied with the lighting, with it appearing too harsh in the previous footage and the aperture light being in some of the shots. To fix this, instead of placing the light on a surface, Olivia held it so it could be moved if it was appearing in the shot. This shoot ended up being much more of an improvement than the last one, with the shots being more in focus and better timed. Overall, Olivia and I were much more satisfied with this shoot rather than the last one, with the footage looking a lot nicer and the hand held camera working better for us. 

Our production for our music video is now finished. From here, Olivia and I will begin editing on Final Cut Pro and will produce a rough cut, which will give us a better idea of what our final product will look like.


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