Rough Cut feedback
Rough Cut Feedback
This week, Olivia and I presented our Rough Cut to the class. By this point, our product had not been colour corrected and there were a few blank spaces or place holders, which we will change as we continue to edit it. Here are the general feedback and responses our class gave us.
Aspects we knew we have to change prior to the feedback:
- colour correcting
- finding clips to fill any blank spots in the edit
- fixing the 'under the table' transition into red lighting (we haven't edited this yet)
Positive parts of the edit:
Our class thought the tracking shot of Lucy walking back into the dining room at the end of the video was good. This was a relief for us as we had struggled to get this perfect on the day and wanted to make sure it looked natural or not too long in duration. The class also liked the bathroom mirror shot which shows the change in our character's personality. Again, this was something we found difficult to film on the day and we were glad that the message of the shot was understood by fresh eyes.
Aspects we need to improve on following this edit:
Something the class suggested we improve as we continue to edit our music video was bringing the performance aspect into it sooner. In the Rough Cut, we have about 35 seconds until any lip-syncing. This could be a problem because it could come off more as a short film rather than a performance video, so we will try to incorporate the performer singing the song earlier into the edit. Another suggestion the class made was to bring the worlds of the dinner party and the projector together to merge them and keep them less separate. They said this would bring the audience closer to what our character was feeling, so we will experiment with this. Something else that was mentioned was faster editing around the climax of the song, which is the loudest bit of the video. This would show the build up in tension so we will look at the longer shots of the fight scene and try splitting it up to reflect our main character's anger and confusion as the video goes on.
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