Uptown Funk challenge

Uptown Funk music video recreation

 This week, I was given the task to recreate the first minute of the music video for the song 'Uptown Funk' by Bruno Mars. This was a task I spent about a week on with a group from my class, with an overall time of about 4 hours being spent on filming and editing altogether. I was in a group of about 5 people, which was a challenge to overcome as we weren't a big enough group to fit all the roles of the dancers from the original video. Another problem we had was continuity, as we were in different outfits each day at school, as well as the fact it was the last week of school before summer. This meant that the filming was a bit scattered and rushed, as some people were leaving school at different times, and we had to be organised in our planning and filming. 

Final product


Overall, I think this task was successful at helping me and my group understand the production of music videos better. Since most of us will be researching and looking at music videos this year, a small task like this will help us gain better knowledge about the flow of music videos, as well as the amount of cuts in a music video in just one minute. This will be useful for me as I am fairly sure I will choose to create a music video for my coursework this year, so having some experience with filming one will make it easier to create my own. When comparing our video, most of the shots line up well with the original, which was good as many of them were on beat with the music. The production of this video was a problem that my group and I ran into, as it was the last week of school. Also, the time management was another problem we found when creating this video as we only had a few sessions to film and edit it. Despite this though, I am happy with the result of the music video and am glad I got to experience making one before I make my decision to create either a music video or short film for my coursework.


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