Production Log #5 (31/1/23)

Production Log #5

 Projector re-shoot

The final part of production for Olivia and I was re-shooting a couple of the projector scenes as we felt we did not originally have enough footage for the video, specifically for the last minute, which we have put placeholders in for most of editing so far. We filmed with Lucy again at school and used different red ink videos on YouTube again, but this time with a bit more variety. We also experimented with some flame videos which was also successful in the end. 

After the shoot, we spent a lesson putting in the new footage over the old footage, which can be seen in this photo from FinalCut. As you can see, we kept one of the original red clips as well as the blue, but just replaced the rest with the red clips we shot today. Overall this looks a lot better than before as the shots are more versatile, with some being flames, some being more dark and some with the red moving faster than last time which was what we had aimed for originally.

Final tweaks before submission

Olivia and I uploaded a draft of our music video to YouTube which we watched over the weekend for any last tweaks and edits we could make before we handed the final product in. We noticed a couple aspects we could change: a few of the clips still had sound from when we recorded them and some of the projector clips were out of time with the lip-syncing or out of place. So we went back and changed this before the final submission and then uploaded our final draft to YouTube.


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